Supplier information
Delivery adresses

Natural History Museum Denmark
Gothersgade 130
1123 Copenhagen K

Distribution center and shops
Natural History Museum Denmark
Øster Voldgade 5 - 7,
1350 Copenhagen K
Mail and parcels
Mail and parcels must be addressed to:
University of Copenhagen
Natural History Museum Denmark
Att: Delivery adress + Name-of-recipient
Oester Farimagsgade 5
1353 Copenhagen
Billing Address
Natural History Museum Denmark
Gothersgade 130
1123 Copenhagen K
Tel: (+45) 35 32 22 22
EAN-/GLN number: 5798 0004 33847
VAT number (SE/VAT): DK 2997 9812
CVR number: 2997 9812
Guidelines for mentioning the museum
The use of the museum's name in connection with mentions on social media, websites, and in advertisements is only permitted after prior agreement with the museum.