Matthiesen rotunden i museumsbygningen på Øster Voldgade


Conditions at the Natural History Museum of Denmark

Øster Voldgade 5 - 7
1350 Copenhagen K

The museum on Øster Voldgade is housed in an older protected building with limited access for wheelchair users.

Certain areas of the museum can only be visited if you are able to manage a few steps on your own or with the help of a companion.

Free Disability Helper
Upon presentation of a valid disability helper card.
Accessible Toilets
Accessible toilets are available on the ground floor and the first floor. The accessible toilet on the ground floor is wheelchair accessible.
Guide Dogs
Guide dogs are allowed. Other dogs and pets are not permitted.
Drive through the gate to the museum at Øster Voldgade 5-7. To the right in the courtyard, there is one handicapped parking space marked with a disabled sign.
Hidden disabilities
The museum is a part of the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower network.

Wheelchair Access

Access to the museum with a wheelchair is partly via an elevator from the courtyard to the ground floor and partly via a staff elevator to the first floor. Using the staff elevator requires assistance from an employee. Some exhibitions on the first floor are not accessible by wheelchair.

Please note that the internal dimensions of the staff elevator are 0.73 m (door opening) x 1.5 m (depth) with a maximum weight capacity of 300 kg.

Conditions in the Botanical Garden and Palm House

Gothersgade 128
1123 Copenhagen K

The Botanical Garden offers good conditions for wheelchair users outdoors. However, some areas on the Rock Garden and Observatory Hill have steep slopes where it is necessary to have a helper.

Inside the protected Palm House, maneuvering can be limited, so we recommend having a companion to assist with narrow passages and doorways that separate the climate zones.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to access the lower greenhouses in the Palm House complex, including the Butterfly House, with a wheelchair.

Free Disability Helper
Upon presentation of a disability hHelper card.
Accessible Toilets
accessible toilet is located near the Botanical Garden's shop and the Palm House.
Guide Dogs
Guide dogs are allowed. Other dogs and pets are not permitted.
We refer to public parking in the area.
Hidden Disabilities
The Botanical Garden is a part of the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower network.